#114: 2019 In Review

Draft Mechanic Episode #114: 2019 In Review, our 2019 Superlatives, Six Packs of our Favorite Beers and Board Games of 2019

2019 Superlatives:
Best Artwork:

Danielle: Wingspan (Stonemaier Games)
Jake: Wingspan (Stonemaier Games)

Best Non-mini Components:
Jake:  the Spectrum dial from Wavelength (Palm Court)
Danielle: The upgrade wheel from Mechanica (Resonym)

Biggest Disappointment:
Danielle: T.I.M.E. Stories: Madame (Space Cowboys); Runner up- Fantastic Factories (Deep Water Games)
Jake: T.I.M.E. Stories: Madame (Space Cowboys); Runner up- Second Chance (Stronghold Games)

Game I Wish I'd Played in 2019:
Danielle: Trismegistus: The Ultimate Formula (Board & Dice)
Jake: Black Angel (Pearl Games)

Game I Wish I'd Played More of in 2019:
Danielle: Irish Gauge [English 2nd edition] (Capstone Games)
Jake: Star Realms: Keyforge: Age of Ascension/Worlds Collide (Fantasy Flight Games)

Best Older Game I Played for the First Time in 2019:
Danielle: Dice Hospital (Alley Cat Games)
Jake: Ginkgopolis (Pearl Games)

Best Party Game:
Danielle: 3 Laws of Robotics (Floodgate Games)
Jake: Mars Open: We’re Doomed! (Breaking Games)

Best App:
Danielle: Apple Arcade - I cheated (Apple)
Jake: Terraforming Mars (Stronghold Games, Developer: Asmodee Digital)

Most Innovative Game:
Danielle: We’re Doomed! (Breaking Games)
Jake: We’re Doomed! (Breaking Games)

Favorite Beers of 2019 Six-Packs:


Favorite Games of 2019 Six-Packs:

Jake's Picks:

6. Megacity: Oceania
Hub Games
Designer: Jordan Draper, Michael Fox

5. Freshwater Fly
Bellwether Games
Designer: Brian Suhre

4. Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale
Thunderworks Games
Designer: Jordy Adan

3. Las Vegas Royale
alea/Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH
Designer: Rüdiger Dorn

2. The Taverns of Tiefenthal
North Star Games
Designer: Wolfgang Warsch

1. Escape Tales: Low Memory
Designer: Jakub Caban, Bartosz Idzikowski

Danielle's Picks:

6. Bosk
Floodgate Games
Designer: Daryl Andrews, Erica Bouyouris

5. On Tour
Designer: Chad DeShon

4. The Taverns of Tiefenthal
North Star Games
Designer: Wolfgang Warsch

3. Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale
Thunderworks Games
Designer: Jordy Adan

2. Letter Jam
Czech Games Edition
Designer:   Ondra Skoupý

1. Escape Tales: Low Memory
Designer:   Jakub Caban, Bartosz Idzikowski

Section Timestamps:

Draft Mechanic

More About Draft Mechanic

A podcast about board games, card games, and anything Jake & Danielle can do to tie the two together.